Name: Josie
Birthday: March 28
Sex: Female
Favorite Color: Lavender
Favorite Animal: Basically all of them.
Music Preference: Pop Rock/Rock
Book Preference: Fantasy, Romance, Young Adult, Suspense, Adventure, and Sci-Fi.
Hobbies: Horseback Riding; Dancing; Biking; Fishing; Running; Badminton; Writing Stories and Poems; Playing Piano, Violin, and Guitar; Reading; Drawing; Sleeping xD; Hanging out with friends; and Facebook (It does count as a hobby and an addiction ;D).
Horseback Riding: I started riding when I was 10, it was on and off. It's almost 5 years in total. My first year was western riding, trail and pleasure. The next on and off years, until I was 14, I rode english, pleasure for a few months, then I started jumping. My equitation is still horrible, sorry to say, but it does take time. The highest I have jumped is 2' 6". I show regionally and locally. I do ride consistently now, YAAA! I plan on leasing sometime soon, but college is coming up and I basically have no money for college :( I plan on working with animals for my career and possibly owning a few horses, training them and showing them. I currently ride 1 horse routinely: Zena. She's a 18 yo bay thoroughbred mare. She has little known information. She is an ex-police mount. She was owned by a college student that had her growing up but didn't ride her in college, so Zena was left in the stall for the past few years with little exercise. Now she's gaining some muscle and looking great!
The Future: Nothing quite planned because I finally accepted to go along with the ride. But, definitely college..maybe UCD or Findlay. Animal Science major, probably. Marry, maybe. Adopt, yes. Adopt a daughter, horse(s), and dog(s)--def yes.
P.S. Invisible J is my pen name, and still is. I have a fictionpress account too! Just search that name.^
  • JoinedJanuary 9, 2014