Oh, and random info dump, that no one asked for, about my life currently Erm, hello to the three actually active peeps who follow me. I'm sure you're all most likely not interested in this (not trying to sound like I'm guilt tripping y'all, so sry if it does) but the reason why I have not been active is cuz there's barely any reason for me to be :'o] And it's gonna be a really rare occurrence for me to be on here. Anyways :3 onto info dump about my life!! I got my ears pierced again(technically ear since the other was still open) on Friday so I can finally wear my adventure time earrings!!! :o] I've actually been getting more into art rn and made some doodles/lazy drawings in my past time during this summer. I'm dreading for school to come back(only 3 days for me xd) Erm, yeah, random life update (人*´∀`)。*゚+

@1wanturd4d Nice!!! and I'm interested too!! it gets kinda lonely on here haha, and I totally understand