
@jamilla_ So far I'm really enjoying the works of Oscar Wilde and Geoffrey Chaucer. Their philosophies of life are amazing especially Oscar Wildes! And thanks! Great to be back!


@jamilla_ Lol so as you probably can tell, I haven't been on this is almost a year! I'm finally off school for the summer and I've just been so busy with my job but now I'm all caught up and free!! To FINALLY answer your question, as an English Major we read major works of several living and deceased authors and then break them down to critically examine and comprehend what they were trying to write and if they succeeded or not. We also look for new interpretations from their writing. With the program I am in (Rhetoric and Professional Writing) We also look at several forms of Media, Such as commercials, to see what rhetorical theory they use to capture the audiences attention and possibly make them buy their product. And after read what I just wrote, I feel like such a huge nerd. We also write a shit ton of essays -____- Le cry :'(