
My Jesus story name has been changed to "By His Wounds..."  Subtitle: The Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ!


I just realized the last time I posted a new chapter for my Jesus story was a month ago 0.0  Sorry guys!  The other laptop that my story is on doesn't have internet.  I've been meaning to move my story over to this laptop, but I've been putting it off, and idk why. :/ Tomorrow I shall try to stop procrastinating and add another chapter!
          God Bless :)


I just realize that Mary and Jesus both during the Passion must have been thinking these words by Tenth Avenue North:
          "I'm tired, I'm worn
          My heart is heavy 
          from the work it takes to keep on breathing....
          My soul feels crushed by the weight of this world"
          And then Jesus must be thinking, "And I know that you [the father] can give me rest, so I cry out with all that I have left...."
          And Mary and Jesus both: 
          Let me see redemption win, let me know the struggle ends
          That you can mend a heart, that's frail and torn
          I wanna know a song can rise
          from the ashes of a broken life
          and all that's dead inside can be reborn
          Cause I'm worn....


Ok guys.  I have updated my "Days as Persons" story and also my "Surrounded by Death and Destruction" story.  "S by D and D" has just gotten to the exciting parts!  Edward is acting unusually suspicious, and Emelise is stuck between telling her parents or keeping his secret.  Alice has finally entered the story, and she is preparing to tell her family all about St. Mary's Orphan Asylum (a real place) and Isaac Cline (REMEMBER HIM?????)  Please read and comment!


Happy July, followers!  Thanks for following me and reading my stories.  Sorry about not posting a new chapter to my Jesus story, but I my 13 4H projects are due July 17, so I have to get those done, and then I have softball games in the evening...and my brother is coming over and my other brother has his grad party....so YEAH.  Busy.  It may be a bit before I add a new chapter, but I SHALL TRY. :P  Then my vacation is always coming up so I can always write on the way to vaca.  Just lettin' ya know!  Do you guys have any questions or suggestions for my Jesus story?  Or my other stories/poems?  Oh, and I just updated my Surrounded by Death and Destruction novel, so read that, please!  And remember, it's available on Amazon for sale!
          Thanks!  God Bless!