Hey people, hope everyone is doing well. I'm sorry I have hit a bit of a slump and so I'm behind in entries for the Book Of Changes. My road has been a bit bumpy lately and I am trying to walk it joyfully but it is really hard. I promise I will try to get out a update in The Book Of Changes by Monday! Please bear with me till I can find my footing again! On the other side - Blood Match will have a double chapter drop shortly. For the first time I will be collaborating with the awesome Nicole Woodward @caffeineismymuse and she will guestwrite some of the Blood Match chapters culminating in several co-authored chapters where the two of us will write together - each taking a different set of characters and allowing us to write their interactions simultaneously playing off each author's instincts. It should result in a very interesting chapter, so please stay tuned for that. If you haven't read any of Nicole's writing I would suggest you pop over and check it out. She is a very talented writer and her work is brilliant! I won't embarrass her by saying that I am in absolute awe of her! (oops just did)
Sorry for the double post but I found an error and my internal perfectionist and all around logical whiz Oliver (yes I name all my internal quirks and traits.) wouldn't let me rest till I fixed it - It is Nicole Woodward - Not Nicole Wooward (Thanks Oliver!)