
Two new chapters of Blood Match have just dropped.  One is a collaboration with the lovely and talented Nicole Woodward  @caffeineismymuse and the other is Liam and Leo's morning after the big night.  I hope you like both and please don't forget to comment!


Thank you for a double update @22Hamilton❤️


Two new chapters of Blood Match have just dropped.  One is a collaboration with the lovely and talented Nicole Woodward  @caffeineismymuse and the other is Liam and Leo's morning after the big night.  I hope you like both and please don't forget to comment!


Thank you for a double update @22Hamilton❤️


Hey people, hope everyone is doing well.  I'm sorry I have hit a bit of a slump and so I'm behind in entries for the Book Of Changes.  My road has been a bit bumpy lately and I am trying to walk it joyfully but it is really hard.  I promise I will try to get out a update in The Book Of Changes by Monday!  Please bear with me till I can find my footing again! On the other side - Blood Match will have a double chapter drop shortly.  For the first time I will be collaborating with the awesome Nicole Woodward @caffeineismymuse and she will guestwrite some of the Blood Match chapters culminating in several co-authored chapters where the two of us will write together - each taking a different set of characters and allowing us to write their interactions simultaneously playing off each author's instincts.  It should result in a very interesting chapter, so please stay tuned for that.  If you haven't read any of Nicole's writing I would suggest you pop over and check it out.  She is a very talented writer and her work is brilliant!  I won't embarrass her by saying that I am in absolute awe of her! (oops just did)
          Sorry for the double post but I found an error and my internal perfectionist and all around logical whiz Oliver (yes I name all my internal quirks and traits.) wouldn't let me rest till I fixed it - It is Nicole Woodward - Not Nicole Wooward (Thanks Oliver!)


Thank you for the update snd the collaboration sounds interesting, looking forward to read this chapter.
            Don’t stress you update The book Of Changes when and if you can.❤️


Hello! @YuHuaCommunity is currently looking for judges, would you maybe be interested? We’d be very happy.


@n1lyyx Thank you so much for considering me, but at this moment I am not certain I have the extra time to take on another project.  Things are a bit hectic in real life and I am struggling to keep up with the three stories I have going at the moment. So I would be doing you and your communitiy a disservice because I couldn't give 100%.  If things change in the future I will definitely reach out to you!