Attention everyone!! I am proud to say that i final fished another chapter. I know its been a long wait. I'm sending it to my editor now. So by tonight i will have it posted. Sorry for the wait again -22catlover
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Attention everyone!! I am proud to say that i final fished another chapter. I know its been a long wait. I'm sending it to my editor now. So by tonight i will have it posted. Sorry for the wait again -22catlover
Attention everyone!! I am proud to say that i final fished another chapter. I know its been a long wait. I'm sending it to my editor now. So by tonight i will have it posted. Sorry for the wait again -22catlover
okay so when summer started i told my self "Yes i am going to put more chapters on forever flame!!!!" . Then i got lazy, went out of town. I am sorry. I am proud to say that i am back and ready to get to work. From now on i will put out one chapter a month. So sorry for the wait but it will be worth it. remember to smile. :D
um, excuse me. yeah you, you right there. May I speak with you for a second. um, well, you see, there's a problem, and it may or may not have something to do with you. just a quick question. no biggy, just one tiny, little, humongous question. WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO UPDATE THE FOREVER FLAME! ! ! okay, that's all. thank you for giving me your time. oh, and if I may be so bold, PLEASE UPDATE SOON! okay, bye now.
@Elizabeast-7 this week, hu? I think your a little late. Just by a little, though.
@Elizabeast-7 I am sorry about the wait this wasy foult. For spring brake i was out of town alot and i hardly worked. I will get bakc to work this week. Just remeber to smiel :)
hey, congratulations on the Forever Flame! it has so many reads! which means it has many people waiting for that next chapter. we are all waiting now, pressure's on now. this is the life of an author, I guess. it a blessing and a curse
@Elizabeast-7 wow, we have REALLY long messages. I always have that problem, writing a whole paragraph, but people only usually respond "LOL" or "so true" don't think I ever had someone write whole paragraphs back before. hmm, this is a new feeling. thanks for putting time and effort into your righting. it's nice. it feels like you read the question then took the time to respond. you may not have realize it, and I won't get mad at you if you just do the short sentence response for one reason or another, but I wanted to thank you for what you already wrote
@Elizabeast-7 no i know thats how i feel and i love it. I have many storys that are in my mind and i dont know if i will ever post them to. I just love writting them. And if you are some yoda want to be then that makes me some Gandalf want to be lol :)
@Elizabeast-7 wow, that's it in a nut shell. or more accurately a post. I have so many stories bursting out of my head, but I'm not posting even half of them on here. some I want to publish, while others might never feel the freedom of being on paper. I only live so long, not all of them will be able to get out. I am a background character in this world, and am alone often, so it helps to have the stories. I just sit there and think about all the things they have and will go through. stories come and go, and some stick and I hope to one day be able to share them. you know that feeling? oh, it is amazing when people read your stories and enjoy them. your creation is being shared with others, and if they can actually connect with the characters like I did then it's all worth it. it some how connects you in a way. we may all be completely different, but these characters, these stories, they connect us in a way. I know, now I just sound like some yoda wana be, but that's just how I feel.
@Elizabeast-7 I know I love it when you can feel what your characters feeling. how you can actually be there and see your surroundings. how you can know exactly what you want to put out but yet at the same time you add things that you didn't even think of. or when you're just sitting there bored and nothing to do and you just start to daydream about your story and then everything comes out in the plan are you just want to remember it but sometimes you can't and you get frustrated. or that feeling you get when someone is reading your story and you see them enjoying it. I never ever thought when I was little that being a writer would bring me this much joy
pst. hey, author. um, you might not realize this, so let me tell you. we, the readers, have a request we wanted to inform you of. no big, just, well, PLEASE. UPDATE. THE. FOREVER. FLAME. no big, just please update in a timely manner or things may befall upon this lovely story. I'm completely kidding! no threat included! but please update soon. I've re-read the chapter and re-reread the last chapter. pleeeeeeaaaaase update. thanks! also, good luck at school. spring break is coming! hopefully that means more updating. thanks for having the courage to share your story. can't wait to bug you next time you refuse to update. until then -Elizabeast
@Elizabeast-7 you are a really great writer. there are some writers who are good because of their way of thinking, some because of how they write, but for you you can put light and feeling into words that can reach the reader. I am so, so happy I could help. and I don't mean 'oh, yeah, okay, good for you I guest's or one of those internet pat you on the back cause I'll never have to see you, but literally, I am so happy to have helped. I used to struggle a lot and I needed help, but no one came and I was too ashamed or quite to ask for it. I kept praying that someone would come, but no one did. then one day I prayed that I could be that one person to someone else, and you know what, it helped me more then if I was lifted by someone else. it touched me in a way that no other thing can. by lifting others, I was some how lifting my self and them out of what they were going through. I try to always help others, but sometimes I don't know if I did much good. I am so happy to hear I helped you. I feel I should offer the same thing. if you ever need a listening ear, I'm here. you should take your own advise and keep smiling, it's a good look for you.
@Elizabeast-7 I feel the same way. I know I don't know you but you have helped me in many ways. to tell you the truth before you told me to keep writing I was going through a rough time. I was struggling in school I felt alone and I didn't know where to go. then you told me to write again and it reminded me of how I can escape from the world. You have really helped me and I want to pass that on I wanna help you see that people need you and it may be hard to smile but if we keep smiling and we can get through tough challenges and trials. I want you to know that I know I don't know you but I want you happy because that would make me happy. So anytime you want to talk to me just ask I would love to talk. thank you again for helping me so much and keep smiling please you are important person in this world.
@Elizabeast-7 thanks. lately it's been harder for me to smile, but somehow you've found a way to share this light and happiness through the internet and outbid the screen. I know that just saying to smile seems like a little thing, it is to most people, but I've been struggling lately and even though I don't know you somehow it's nice that someone took the time to say that. I know you probably didn't even really think of it, but I'm forgotten a lot. you may not know me, and I may not know you, but you have helped me this day by just saying that. thanks, I needed that. I am happy to report that as I write this I write it with a smile. thank you for being you.
hey, um, I wanted to invite you to a group story I'm participating in. one of my friends from church is doing it. it's called Infections and you can find it on my account. I really like your story and would like to see what you'd come up with for this. please check it out and see if you want to do it or not. you don't have to if your not interested, I just wanted to tell you about it. oh, also, I can't wait for the next part in the forever flame. I'm only on chapter the and you already have me hooked. thanks for sharing your story and I honestly can not wait another moment for it. thanks again. -Elizabeast
@Elizabeast-7 I think there is still room for you. I'll message her, and if there is, then all you have to do is message her and tell her you want to join. I think she'd love to have more people. Just read it and it will tell you what you need to know.
@Elizabeast-7 I got a Question about the story with your friend is there still room for me?
ah, thank you for the vote! also, chapter two of forever flame is great! I can't wait for the next update (hint, hint)! also, also, hi!
@Elizabeast-7 your really sweet and a great writer. don't let any one tell you differently.
@Elizabeast-7 and I want to thank you again for helping me get back into my story writing. I want to thank you for voting my story. thank you I mean it thank you. And I can't wait to hear the rest of your story. :)
@Elizabeast-7 Hi i really like one gilr becasue i am a Mormon in Utah. I LOVE It . Its makes me smile and thank you :)
hey, when are you going to update forever flame? come on, don't leave me in suspense! your book is really good, a good beginning and a good plot, but needs editing. my only other complaint it's that YOU WON'T UPDATE! Please update soon. I know it can be discouraging when people don't read your story, but I like it. it doesn't matter what other people think about it, all that matters is what you think about it. it's nice to have people like your story, but they don't matter. all that matters is how you feel about it. it's not our story, it's yours, we're just borrowing it in a sense. please update soon. -Elizabeast
@Elizabeast-7 no problem. I know how you feel. I'm not the most popular author out there. you have a good story, with a good plot. at least I think so. it doesn't matter how many reads you get, all that matters is if you love the story. if you feel it inside you. we aren't the author of this story, you are. if this isn't your story, one that you feel and know, then it's not yours to write. these stories are yours, so it doesn't matter what we do. you ate the one holding the story inside your self. you are the one who gets to decide if you want to release it and help it sour, or keep it inside your self where it's safe. it's your decision. I'm happy I could help.
@Elizabeast-7 I want to say thank you. I was kinda giving up on the forever flame. Now I am not going to i have the next part half way done. I will finish it up and continue this story. Thank you again I really mean it.
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