
am not always on line here,but I've already downloaded the books i am reading,that is the reason so I am replying late on your messages. please don't get me wrong about it and don't think that I don't want you to be my friends. I am also using WhatsApp you can add me,+639772019456 and my Facebook accounts are Dianne girlie and Dianne Girlie quimoyog. 


am not always on line here,but I've already downloaded the books i am reading,that is the reason so I am replying late on your messages. please don't get me wrong about it and don't think that I don't want you to be my friends. I am also using WhatsApp you can add me,+639772019456 and my Facebook accounts are Dianne girlie and Dianne Girlie quimoyog. 


well,I am thankful first to God for giving me wisdom to write the words in my books,then to Sasa Bay for giving me idea....and for inspiring me. I am still in chapter 18 and I already have many readers...thanks again,I hope u will stay with me til the end if the book and will be with me again in my upcoming books 


wowi am speechless....I am not expecting that I will have more than 3 readers in my "love on line",I was thinking before that once I have 2 readers I am already happy,but God exceeds my expectation which makes me so happy,thankie....I hope my inspiration doc Sasa bay have time to read this. 


I hope you will give time to read my books,actually i accept I have lot if errors in every book since I am using a phone. but I hope u will consider it,my love on line book is dedicated to my Facebook friend,he is a doctor from Egypt,I hope he can read it,he's name is Sasa,and my "the journey of a young mother" is a story that just popped out from my mind since I want to share the experiences of being a mother at young age.I hope you will share your views through comments...


hey...sorry for the errors in the book I've written,actually it's really my first time to write,i've just checked it recently,actually maybe it's because of the tab. I'm using....and thanks for the patient people who already read it....I'll try to make my writing skills better next time,...