
Hi, thanks so much for your votes for my story, Uncaging Bunny, and for adding it to your reading list.  I hope you are enjoying it.  I’m working on the next update so please keep posted.  Thanks again ❤️❤️


Hi!  Thanks so much for your vote for the Prologue to my book, Uncaging Bunny.  I hope you enjoyed it enough to read more of this ongoing story.  If you know of others you think might enjoy it, please share.  Thanks again :-D ❤️


Yo 25Ndoniyamanzi, you made it to Finding Noah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you for reading the second book. Also, thank you for voting for the book. If you enjoyed Tari & Noah's journey so far you may enjoy The Tour which is about a music student who hooks up with a rapper/rockstar.