I apologize to all my readers for this account t and @A-Barbarich for being absent on stories and everything... even if the stories on book 6 for my main account is still going out, I haven't been doing more stories oj top of that as I had gone through a few weeks of sadness as I had lost my mum and I had to burry her... so please be aware that I might not be in the mindset of completing my stories that are still ongoing. 
          	But thank you all for the votes and the saves of my stories I do appreciate you for that.


I apologize to all my readers for this account t and @A-Barbarich for being absent on stories and everything... even if the stories on book 6 for my main account is still going out, I haven't been doing more stories oj top of that as I had gone through a few weeks of sadness as I had lost my mum and I had to burry her... so please be aware that I might not be in the mindset of completing my stories that are still ongoing. 
          But thank you all for the votes and the saves of my stories I do appreciate you for that.


Hey, my followers, writers, and readers.
          I'm here to announce that I am making head Way on two of my stories, chapter 16 for Our mafia life and chapter 20 for Babes Alpha' I do hope you tune in when I get those done.


I know there are a lot of you waiting for the stories of Babe's Alpha's and Our mafia life. 
          I am still doing those stories but I had a lot of other stories in my mind that when I went back to those stories I had mucked up the chapters by putting them in the wrong story, I had to redo chapter 20 for Babe's Alpha's and chapter 16 for Our mafia life. But please be patient I am still finishing them off.