Hey there! I just became a Hetalia fan recently and is enjoying your fanfic " I Don't". Please continue it... Pretty please. It's really great and the feels are just amazing! Luvyah!
Hey!^^ not to sound rude and I know a lot of people have left the fandom over the years. But I really fell in love with your book ‘Remember when we were family?’ And was really dying to know if you’re still writing it?
Hey i dunno if you have given up on Remember when we were a family but i am really enjoying it. I know its s bit rude but i was wondering if you would (or if it will ever) be update(d)?
Hey there! I ended up dropping my writings and such during the school year, but I might pick it up again since summer has begun. I'm really glad you enjoy it and I will keep that in mind when I start up writing for summer.
❤ So 。。。you're reading "Her Wings of Freedom", eh? Well, in that case, I'd love to know your opinions on it as well! :3 If you wouldn't mind leaving a comment on the chapters that you like, that is. c: I love hearing (reading) my marvelous readers' opinions on my works! ❤