
So we get home from visiting my grandmother for a few days and my mother checks the mail from the days we were away. She opens a package and then suddenly I have a binder in my face. Said binder should have arrived in a month or so? Two weeks for sure, so my mother might have paid extra money for faster delivery? Wtf? Four days ago she called me her daughter when she could have easily said child or something gender neutral and looked at me like she was waiting for a reaction? Is my whole family just complicated or are they giving me straight signals and I'm just too gay?
          	Anygays I got ma binder :D


So we get home from visiting my grandmother for a few days and my mother checks the mail from the days we were away. She opens a package and then suddenly I have a binder in my face. Said binder should have arrived in a month or so? Two weeks for sure, so my mother might have paid extra money for faster delivery? Wtf? Four days ago she called me her daughter when she could have easily said child or something gender neutral and looked at me like she was waiting for a reaction? Is my whole family just complicated or are they giving me straight signals and I'm just too gay?
          Anygays I got ma binder :D


*erinnert sich an wilde Suche nach dem Kelia Ref Sheet vor kurzem*
          *überlegt bei welchem Bild es gebraucht wurde*
          *schaut Skizzenbuch durch*
          *durchsucht die Handygalerie*
          *gibt auf*
          *erinnert sich an das zweite, kleine Skizzenbuch*
          *sucht das kleine Skizzenbuch*
          *zehn Minuten verschwendet*
          *gibt erneut auf*
          *erinnert sich an einige kleine Bleistiftskizzen im großen Skizzenbuch, für die man nicht mal das Ref Sheet braucht*
          *hat damit etwa 20 Minuten verbracht*
          *sucht erneut weitere zehn Minuten nach dem Ref Sheet weil ich immer noch nicht dazu gekommen bin, mir ein Bild davon auf meinem Rechner zu speichern*
          Und jetzt habe ich keinen Bock mehr die Skizze für ein vernünftiges Bild, zu dem ich schon das Lineart habe, mir nur bei den Farben unsicher bin, zu beenden. Wundervoll.


Irgendwie habe ich das Gefühl, das meine Mutter begriffen hat, das ich kein Mädchen sein will und mich in diesem Körper unwohl fühle, weil sie zum einen dieses Jahr schonmal das Gesicht verzogen hat als mein Vater mich als Mädchen/Frau bezeichnet hat, und zum anderen selbst mal sehr kurze (nur ein paar Millimeter lange) Haare hatte, und mich auch dazu ermutigt mir die Haare schneiden zu lassen. Also entweder hat sie irgendetwas begriffen, oder ist einfach nur unterstützend, was mir beides Recht ist weil mein Vater Transleute immer noch seltsam und Sonnes Hautfarbe zu dunkel findet.


Pwease help me for I am desperate for more books, which I cannot read as I write these words, because my e-reader won't let me continue with the next book of the series I have been reading till I finished the fifth book.


A few weeks ago, I made some crystal-thingys, and found them today. Since they are a lot wither than I rememberd, I decided to call them Muna'Riels and pretend I am an Eletian, while speaking in a weird way and tell random people the future, but in riddles, so that they can write my words down and send them to the future, where a rider from my current time will find them to travel back in her own time, but only after more horrible expierences cause she hasn't already traveld to fugging Blackveil or becoming the avatar of the god of fugging death.
          Now, I have to send a group of my warriors into Blackveil to wake up some guys that have been sleeping there since it was conquerd by an evil guy, that also poisend the land there. I really hope they are still the same and not some dark, evil creatures trying to kill my people and the human guests because that would be really bad and totally surprising.


@ 2Ollys  oh, well... That sounds exiting?


Someone just daid that they we're on Wattpad fpr two years today, so I looked at my joindate or wahtever it's called and turns out I'm two years on wattpad since last month (read stucky fanfictions for a few months before creating the account but pff, who cares).
          Also, I wrote the stroyline to the frist two light books, magical world currently in process, one legend of light and three legend of darkness following hopefully soon, but before I start the actual writing, I want to draw some of the new characters (Kar's first girlfriend and Aira's cousin curently being my favorites uwu).
          Anygays, have a good evening and night and to the people I know in person, please don't die tomorrow.


this message may be offensive
There is so much wrong with ranger aprrentice fanfictions, ususally, I have to scroll down forever to find a fanfiction that is so fucking unrealistic and stupid, but I just read one of the first books and now I am asking myself where the fucking sense in that book is. Yes, the original books aren't that realistic either, but I'm pretty sure that even as the daughter of Halt, and you don't even know you are, you don't just beat Gilan at something he traind for long and hard, just to get your horse on THE FIRST DAY, know about the phrase-code-thingy the rangers have with their horses, get a wolf AND throw Crowley, fucking Crowley, the head of the rangers, over your should like he's nothing. Also, where are the goddamn personalties of the characters? WHERE? 
          But, at least the writing itself is good, but if you read every single ranger apprentice book, you should probably be interested in book and writing and shit like that.


Meine Haare sind lang genug um mir ins Gesicht zu hängen und zu nerven, aber zu kurz um sie in einem vernünftigen, halbwegs gut aussehenden Pferdeschanz zu binden und es nervt mich schon den ganzen Tag. Zusätzlich dazu hatte ich gestern den ganzen Tag Gewicht auf meiner rechten Schulter und heute meine Zweitimpfung bekommen, das heißt mir tun beide Arme weh. Als wäre das noch nicht alles ist mein Stundenplan so gemacht, das der einzige Tag ohne Nachmittagsunterricht auf Seiten meines Partners einer der zwei Tage ist, an dem ich Nachmittagsunterricht habe. Fügt man hinzu das ich seit der Heimfahrt tolle Unterleibskrämpfe habe geht es mir gerade wunderbar und meine Stimmung ist ausgezeichnet, yay. Immerhin habe ich noch die gleiche nette Englischlehrerin, jetzt nur noch dreistündig leider, und meine alte Kunst/Biologielehrerin von vor ein paar Jahren :D


@2Ollys  Fühl dich von mir gepatpatet