❝T H E  O T H E R
T H E S U N❞

short, rude old man™

🏮B I O🏮
Country: State of Japan
Human Name: Honda Kuro
Age: Early 20s (Physically)
Birthday: February 11
Height: 5'5 ft (165cm)
Sexuality: Pansexual Demiromantic

🏮A B O U T🏮
Kuro is slender with black hair and strong, red eyes. His uniform is a black naval uniform with golden epaulettes. With a red earring. Also, he may be depicted with a purple chrysanthemum cape and a katana. He has multiple scars and a single sleeve tattoo.

Kuro is a quiet, hardy individual who works hard for his personal gain and webs. He doesn't express himself either, but only out of pity or observation. Opinionated and stubborn, Kuro refuses to compromise. Enduring and tempered, he's easily frustrated by people in most situations.
Physical contact and lewd things don't bother Kuro, he's forward and expressive about them, making many subtle innuendos.
He's practically just a rude grandpa, ignore him.

🏮 ♡ 🏮
U1: N/A
U2: N/A
U3: N/A

🏮A X I S🏮

🏮F R I E N D S🏮
//Ask for Tag//

//I'm Reni! Female, 16 Years of Age, 7/8 Years of RP, 6 Years of APH RP!
¡ S H I P S M O S T S H I P S!
¡L I T E R A T E R P! ¡S E K E 2 P J A P A N! //
*NOTE: He is going to be a RUDE & SUGGESTIVE character. Admin doesn't mean anything personally.*
  • JoinedDecember 7, 2016