this message may be offensive
If you don't like swearing, don't read this post. There is some exciting news towards the bottom, though!!!
I'm a sadistic bitch. You will see why later.
I'm also so fucking lazy that I couldn't even find the time in my YouTube watching to write you guys a thing.
I'm also a chronic liar.
"Oh, I'll post this tonight" *that night* "Eh, I don't give a fuck, they don't give a shit... No one reads my stuff anyways..."
*Two months later*
"Hmm... Maybe I should post something"
*looks at the reads on story*
*writes a chapter and promises to update before school starts.... Never updates.... Christmas comes, promises again, doesn't update.... Four months later...*
"Hm. Maybe I should update that..."
So the point is is that I am a horrible person and my friends are fucking Angels for dealing with me for between 11 and 3 years (depending on the friend)
And for some unknown reason all of them have this urge to tell me every secret they have ever had and then swear me to secrecy. The point of that is that I have a hell of a lot of juicy gossip about all of my friends.
I don't even share MY life with them that much!
Okay, so because I've been such an fucking awful person to all of my LAVLIES, I am going to make a promise Amanda is going to hold me to. I am going to post a new chapter on my big story on my main account, @gatorsis , and I am also going to post a chapter of WW3 (holy old-ness!!!), at least two One-Shots (maybe more), a "Fun Times With B and A" (maybe just Fun Times With B, idk about Manda), AND I will get all of my homework done and handed in. BOOM.
So, u guys r gonna be happay!?!?!
And you guys are all like "Are you fucking serious?!?! She's actually going to post stuff?!?!?!?! Ahhhh!"
Love you my lavlies!!!!!
P.S. Today was the day I was supposed to come back to Wattpad!!!! So heyyyy!!!!!