
We are working on the sequel to Mistakes! It is taking a while we are thinking of how we should have life go for everyone. If u have ideas please inbox us. Before you read the new one we want you to know you should read Mistakes first because you would have no idea what is going on. The name of the sequel is.......ERROR thanks Byee! 


We are working on the sequel to Mistakes! It is taking a while we are thinking of how we should have life go for everyone. If u have ideas please inbox us. Before you read the new one we want you to know you should read Mistakes first because you would have no idea what is going on. The name of the sequel is.......ERROR thanks Byee! 


Hey guys! I'm sooo sorry we haven't been updating! We have been so busy with school but I promise will get more chapters out! We r on APRIL vacation this week and write as much as we can! Love you guys thanks for the reads make sure to watch for updates!


HEY GUYS!!! Please check out our new story "A.D.D.I.C.T.I.O.N" We have been working hard on it and we hope you like it. The main characters are Chloe, Gracee, and Miley. The characters are really badass plzzz check it out!  Luv ya guys! 


Hey guys it's Karlie, me and my bestie Mikayla are making a story and its called "MISTAKES" as Mikayla told you, we will be editing and posting as much as possible, other from that I hope you guys enjoy! P.S: we will take a few requests and suggestions from you guys! 
                     ~Karlie ❤️