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Yay ear infection woke up this morning with a muffled ear and nothing I do fixes it it feels like a marble is in my ear and like I can't describe the pain like stabbing I don't know how to put it into words and no matter what I do shower, irrigation, q-tip (yes I know those are bad I rarely use them), ear stretching, yawning, chewing nothing I do works ibuprofen barely does shit if anything at all and guess what the doctors are closed today and I'm to stubborn to go to urgent care and refuse to be that person that goes to an er when it's not an emergency and the only relief I get is when it decides to not mine with a fucking hammer in my ear and it only lasts for three seconds the muffling is still there so I'm more or less deaf in my left ear and here's the biggest bitch of it my left ear only pops with altitude changes my right one will pop for no reason it's popped a good 15 times today meanwhile i can feel the pressure in my left and whenever I like burp or something it makes it worse doesn't help like normal but hurts so all I can do now is wait it out