
life without you has no fuckin’ meaning! without you, i can hardly breathe! 


words spoken from a pisces moon. 


randomly, i grieve you. 
          a subtle whisper in my chilling nights, 
          your whisking shadow along my hallways, 
          the thought of you, wrapped in memories of us, 
          makes my heart heavy. 
          gut wrenching when every interaction turns sour, 
          sore throats, raised voices, and lack of understanding from someone i knew —
          could read like a book, the back of my hand. 
          grieving someone who is alive and well, 
          wishing i’d have a chance to accompany 
          the journey, as well. 
          envious of ones who’ve seen you shine. 
          our lives are ahead of us, complete different, 
          than the children we once were. 
          oh, how we’ve grown, and apart we’ve become. 


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in a constant state of yearning over you,
          half of my dreams consist of needing you, 
          trial and error, keeping up status, silently 
          devoted to a distant lover. 
          drug induced might 
          be a bit crazy over you. 
          you hit my line, i gotchu. 
          send flowers to your new lover;
          duality of the situation settles in, 
          ready for my lockjaw and no repercussions. 
          ain’t shit fair bout giving up my love, 
          distant lover. 
          pulled the plug on my efforts, 
          iced me out, and avoided my advances. 
          realistically speaking, your new muse is coo’ 
          but undefeated when catching up with me. 
          entirely too meshed, dig a little deeper.. 
          are you ready for another, distance lover? 


i should make a book based on my late night writings. yeah, i miss doing that. 


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oh my god. finally someone speaking about jeff the killer. holy shit. 


i'm back and i still got the groove.


my throat hurts for some reason.