
you're all so great, 4k reads on Panic Station :)


hello everyone, as you can tell, I have disappeared once again...but I'm back for real this time
          I have a different reason of why I've disappeared for so long, I was in relationship. this relationship kept me happy for almost a year, the happiest I had been in a long time. while I was in a relationship with this person, I seemed to forget everything, which involved writing. I would get into arguments and stupid couple fights and that would lead me to cry, whenever I would get sad, I would write. I would write to vent my anxiety and my sadness, but I would forget all that. ten months passes with this person and he decided to end things. all those years of liking each other, and those ten months of being together disappeared. 
          I remembered that I used to write, I am well over him now, but I have some things that I've been working on that have to do with him, and this kid I have a crush on now...lol oops. 
          you all have been amazing and very encouraging through and about my stories, but I've made the decision that I will only be updating certain stories under request. those stories I've decided to do that with are:
          -Be with Me So Happily 
          -I Fell for the Drummer
          -Kissing at the Stop Signs
          thank you for bearing with me through these months


Hello dear internet friends, I have something to tell you all
          I know I haven't been active for the past couple of months…and there is only one reason for that. I have been going through one of the hardest moments of my life, I have made a lot of friends this year at school and getting a lot of attention…and I've been hating myself for it. I know me writing this to you may seem like I am looking for attention, that is far from what I am doing here. I have decided to tell you all because I have been hiding for so long. I want you all to know that I really am sorry for disappearing for so long, I highly doubt that you are all waiting for me to update all my stories, but if you were, thank you and I am sorry.
          I decided to write this to apologize, and let you know that I am ready to come back and start writing again. Thank you for all the support you have given me by reading my stories. It means a lot to me. You guys are amazing and I adore every single one of you. :)