WEHN YOU HAVE WRIITER'2 BLOCK AND YOUR ELECTRONIIC2 AREN'T WORKIING AND YOU'RE TWO BU2Y DYIING IIN2IIDE TWO UPDATE. But yeah thiing2 have come up that are hiinderiing my wriitiing tiime, but II am going two 2ee Motiionle22 IIn Whiite, IIn Thiis Moment, Gemiinii 2yndrome, and Avatar on Apriil twenty thiird 2o II could probably do 2ome wriiting then. And iif not, then hopefully when II go two 2ee Tool on May thiirty fiir2t whiich ii2 riight around my biirthday 2o yeet. Anyway, II wiill 2ee ya'll beautiiful miinded people whenever II do. But for now, enjoy the current tra2h II have already po2ted.