
IIf y'all liike IIn2tagram, poetry and 2hiity art then go check out my new account @ blood.of.a.martyr  


Hey hey hey sullox what are you doing here? Its unBEElivable! 


God, naughty children like you need to BEEHIVE themselves


@Bill__Cipher- 2orry iif II took two long two reply, II wa2 a liittle BUZZED la2t niight


@Bill__Cipher- WASP are you talking about Sollux?? These are BEEutiful!


Help II'm workiing on both of my book2 but II'm 2ufferiing from a ca2e of 'II can't 2eem two giive two 2hiit2 about my wriitiing but II al2o want two work hard and make iit good'. Expect the DiirkJake Corp2e Groom two come out wiith another chapter toniight. IIf not then tomorrow niight.


2o II apologiize for my non-exii2tent actiiviity on here, my phone couldn't handle the amount of data iit wa2 takiing up 2o II had two delete Wattpad. II'm back now though and II've brought new 2hiip2 wiith me! Recently II've been playiing the popular game, Dream Daddy, and two make iit up two you people for not updatiing, II'm goiing two be po2tiing a Luciien x Erne2t one-2hot becau2e theiir teenager ang2t make2 me want two vomiit from happiine22. Maybe 2oon II'll do a Damiien or Jo2eph X Robert thiing but for now, enjoy the gro22 teenager love. II'll probably po2t iit toniight or tomorrow dependiing on how motiivated II am. Anyway, 2ee ya.


            Me: *finishing up an episode of dream daddy*
            Also me: *reads this notification*
            **S C R E E C H I N G**


Do you like bee2?


@purplelegos I WILL OUT BUZZ YOU!!! Buuuuuuuuuuuuuzzzzzzzzzzzzz


WEHN YOU HAVE WRIITER'2 BLOCK AND YOUR ELECTRONIIC2 AREN'T WORKIING AND YOU'RE TWO BU2Y DYIING IIN2IIDE TWO UPDATE. But yeah thiing2 have come up that are hiinderiing my wriitiing tiime, but II am going two 2ee Motiionle22 IIn Whiite, IIn Thiis Moment, Gemiinii 2yndrome, and Avatar on Apriil twenty thiird 2o II could probably do 2ome wriiting then. And iif not, then hopefully when II go two 2ee Tool on May thiirty fiir2t whiich ii2 riight around my biirthday 2o yeet. Anyway, II wiill 2ee ya'll beautiiful miinded people whenever II do. But for now, enjoy the current tra2h II have already po2ted.