Hi , so today I was reading the previous chapters and there was some serious editing pending, so I'll republish the book again , hopefully within a week.
@navyasree2031 It's kinda messy.....so I'll make a schedule about the update, right now it's minimum 2 updates per week or maximum anywhere near 6 or 7 .
Oh come on author.... don't u think it's our right to read this story completely...we have waited soooooooo longgggggg....you promised u will continue....but after uploading a single chapter....u ghost us.... please try to write again.... atleast complete this one
I have to agree with you. If she isn’t feeling well just a text would do to let her readers know if she plans to continue this book or not. We don’t need to know reason just a simple yes or no. Not sure whether to keep it I. My library or not.