
this message may be offensive
Fuck you ,you fuckin fuck


I just wanna disappear from reality and take a minute to de-stress and get myself together for once but I wanna be able to do it without losing time . Unfortunately that’s impossible since with everything you do you waste a second of time ,a breath.


I don’t wanna do it all over again bro </3. Tmrws June 18th the day Jah would’ve died years back. I remember feeling my heart shatter and drop to the floor waiting to know whether he made it .. he didn’t make it we lost him. It felt so unreal I didn’t know how to react at the time I didn’t cry or have an outburst of anger like how I usually do, I was numb I didn’t feel anything I didn’t know how I was supposed to feel. It took me a week to realize it wasn’t a prank and he was gone and I couldn’t do anything about it. It still feels like a joke I’m not saying it’s funny I’m just still in so much shock I remember watching the documentary waiting for them to say we’re joking Jahseh was just taking a break from life he’s here but only to find out at the end that it was not In fact a prank and that his life was took over jealousy, money and so much more. 


I’m having troubles with going into to much detail in my books I do more explaining and discribing what a character is doing more than the character associating with others and doing normal human things. This problem is effecting how I look at my books and Changing my perspective a lot more than it should if you have any advice please give me some! I want to improve in all ways possible!