HEEEEYYYYY THERE, FOLKS! GREAT TO SEE Y’ALL AGAIN! NOW, I KNOW YOU MAY BE THINKING; “Where have you been, Mimikaius?” and “Why were you gone for that long?” or “I didn’t even notice you were gone. I guess you’re back now?” perhaps even “Who are you, and how did I get here?” possibly “Mimikaius, please release my family from your basement, I’m very sorry.”
Well, the answer is…
…I had my I-Pad taken away for however long it’s been, and that’s why I’ve been gone.
That’s it.
What, did you think I’d gotten murdered or something?
Did you even notice and/or care that I was gone?
Well, it’s fine!
I’m back, and that’s all that matters!
You’ll be seeing me around your stories soon, and I can’t WAIT to start reading again!
I also have 568 notifications, so that’s a lot of comments, replies, announcements, and updates to books I’ll have to look through!
See you around, pals!
-Your [MOST] [Friend ‘till the end], TheGr8Mimikaius.