
You know how when you read a book or watch a movie and a character makes a dumb decision and you get frustrated thinking how that person could of easily avoided that situation or done something smarter, but then you do the same thing 


You know how when you read a book or watch a movie and a character makes a dumb decision and you get frustrated thinking how that person could of easily avoided that situation or done something smarter, but then you do the same thing 


❤️Beautiful Person Award❤️
          Once ye get this award, ye must post it on de walls of eight other people who deserve it.  If ye break de chain not’ing happens, but it’s nice to know that some thinks ye’re Beautiful inside out 


Thx for the votes again 


Thx for the compliment and I really love that ship as well 


@ScattTheMan Your welcome,your books are good,and I'm glad brohm isn't entirely dead,I really do enjoy the ship