
I came across this question, 
          	'if your mother was a stranger would she like you?'
          	-No, she wouldn't.
          	 If my mother was a stranger she wouldn't like me, my mom is a very hateful person, she hates anyone she feels like she doesn't like, just by appearance, just by her own way of thinking, she would never try to.. reason about it, she would hate them without a reason just because.
          	My mom hates everyone I love, my friends, my dad.
          	And I believe that if I love a person,
          	 I look like them in a way, so If I was some teenager in the street, she will take a lot at me, and won't like me,not ever not one bit.
          	So yes, my mother won't like me, and yet even when she's my mother who loves me, she doesn't like me, not now, not ever,, not one bit.


I came across this question, 
          'if your mother was a stranger would she like you?'
          -No, she wouldn't.
           If my mother was a stranger she wouldn't like me, my mom is a very hateful person, she hates anyone she feels like she doesn't like, just by appearance, just by her own way of thinking, she would never try to.. reason about it, she would hate them without a reason just because.
          My mom hates everyone I love, my friends, my dad.
          And I believe that if I love a person,
           I look like them in a way, so If I was some teenager in the street, she will take a lot at me, and won't like me,not ever not one bit.
          So yes, my mother won't like me, and yet even when she's my mother who loves me, she doesn't like me, not now, not ever,, not one bit.


I love you ,I love you i do,oh I love you, oh my I love you and so on and so on
          You didn't. You loved the feeling. You loved love, the adrenaline, the word, The fact somebody loves you.didn't you?
          You repeatedly said I love you till it felt unreal and out of place.
          You ruined it.


The difference between grief and grieve?
          Grief...is the combination of sadness,anger,sorrow and a host of emotions that comes with a lose
          It's the unacceptance of.. being left behind.
          But in the other hand comes grieve which is pretty similar but so much far in meaning.
          As for grieving you accept and live off with those emotions,never healing,not welling to heal.
          Even though grief hurts more at first but in the end it finds it's way to heal.


alone and lonely might look similar but they give off different purpose
          as when you are alone it gives off a physical feeling 
          as being alone at home which means you have no one with you
          but being lonely is entirely different because it refers to a mental state
          because countless people can surround you but still feel lonely
          it also gives off a feeling of loss and missing home


Maybe forgetting and forgiving is somehow similar but their purpose is different
          As if you forget you can forgive
          That's because your emotions of the event are gone with the event
          But if you forgive that doesn't mean you forgot
          But you let go of what's biting you
          You might still live with some left ashes hurting you 
          But to you it's no longer a matter to remember
          And you might say"forgetting is the best option"
          But in my opinion being left with ashes is better than being left with nothing at all
          Because having memories of what hurts and remembering that you went through pain makes you feel alive
          "Being brave isn't about being fearless, it's about having fear inside of you but fight it"