I retook the personality type test again !!
A couple months ago it used to be infp, which i was pretty happy about since they described them as caring people.
I’ve gotten more confident although, and when i took the test it said i was an ENFJ !
I retook the personality type test again !!
A couple months ago it used to be infp, which i was pretty happy about since they described them as caring people.
I’ve gotten more confident although, and when i took the test it said i was an ENFJ !
@3W_WH01STH1S me too like your friends either listen then make ot about them or insult you jokingly but gaty and two just listen and try and genuinely help i want that so baddd
i am going to remake my strawpage because my current one is basic and i’m done in general with my pronouns page !! and im rewatching tpot for the 7th time !! ( yes,, i did count )