this message may be offensive
Guess who’s back and currently wanting to cry:) yup. ME. Bruh honestly I need to vent so here goes (it’s not gonna be that long I promise. lol)
Ok sooooo this is about my sexuality, I currently don’t know what my sexuality is so I’m questioning myself right now but I feel so fucking alone and pressured because my whole family is literally straight nobody is gay or bisexual or anything they are all STRAIGHT. And today when my mom and I were walking out of Walmart a lesbian or idk two girls were holding hands and I assumed they were dating and in my head I was like ‘aww look at the cute couple’ but my mom she had said ‘I can’t stand gay people, they get on my nerves. Back in the day gay people would stay in the closet so they would hide their relationships but people now and days don’t care and just show it publicly, they get on my nerves with that, they force it on people’ and I was just over here walking now saying anything and then I texted my cousin and told her about it and she had sent me a text saying she didn’t care what my sexuality is bc I’m still the same person to her and she’ll love me no matter what and I almost cried but I didn’t bc I was in the care with my mom and I just don’t know anymore. Even if I find out my sexuality I can’t come out people my family is like homophobic not all of my family but like my mom is and I can’t come out to her:(
Sorry this is kinda of long, I kinda of lied:D.
But anyways how are y’all doing??