
I JUST REMEMBERED WHERE I PUT ALL MY HAND WRITTEN FICS AND PLOT BUNNIES. Sadly I will not be able to get to them until Sunday evening, but I know where they are. I have like legit BOOKS just filled with plot bunnies, drabbles, and beginnings to fics.. Y'all are about to be in for a treat. Until then.. Maybe I should update the ones that I've been neglecting... Oops. With said books though, I have the beginning of the next chapter written for my Ronnie fic. So I'm gonna try to get that out too. I've been slacking, but I'm feeling motivated to get some shiznit done. 


I JUST REMEMBERED WHERE I PUT ALL MY HAND WRITTEN FICS AND PLOT BUNNIES. Sadly I will not be able to get to them until Sunday evening, but I know where they are. I have like legit BOOKS just filled with plot bunnies, drabbles, and beginnings to fics.. Y'all are about to be in for a treat. Until then.. Maybe I should update the ones that I've been neglecting... Oops. With said books though, I have the beginning of the next chapter written for my Ronnie fic. So I'm gonna try to get that out too. I've been slacking, but I'm feeling motivated to get some shiznit done. 


I just remembered a fic that I wrote like three years ago, but it was on paper. It had a really good story line, and I'm jonesing to get my hands on it. I think I only actually wrote the first couple of chapters, but planned in detail the rest of it... Imma bout to go deep in my archive to find this bad boy. Hopefully I can get it out to y'all soon. 


Just found your writings and I just want to say YOU ARE AMAZING. Just your ability to capture these characters is indescribable. Thank you so much for writing. I hope you get as much enjoyment writing your stories that I do reading them. :D


@ijtomboy Thank you so much. Everytime I get complimemts like this I alwats feel like crying happy tears. I write because sometimes it's the only thing that can make me happy, and I figured why not share it. So thank you for encouraging me to continue, it means a lot. 