That moment when you try to post/record something, AND YOUR INTERNET RANDOMLY STOPS WORKING–!
Original: That moment when you casually comment on something longgggg ago, only to turn into a flipping COMMENT CHAIN in the PRESENT— ._,
Allow me to illustrate for you:
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ t( ु•⌄• )y t(•́⌄•́๑)૭✧ t(o̿-o̿)f
^-Random person like "Luff mehhh"
2nd emotic like "I replied, LOL, luff me tweee"
3rd face = me like "staphh already, this is so olddd, and i don't remember this, nor do i want toooo D: "
Fufth face is frand/sympathetic viewer like "Why daf is this so long, what is wrong with you—?"
ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ Me: I dunnoooo, I just wanted to express my thoughts of the moment... too many regretzzz ;–;