

Just thought I would drop a line to let you know you are thought of frequently and greatly missed here on wattpad. Hoping everything is well with you and yours. I have been rereading your stories over and over again so, thank you for this gift you left for us. I will be continually checking in on your page hoping to see your return here with more C&S/EK stories.  Take Care and God Bless❤️


I'm re-reading your series again and, came across the notice of you writing a story along with suggestions with your readers. If you are still writing which I really hope you are...I would be extremely interested in joining you because I am one of those you mentioned who has been writing down ideas for over 2 years but, don't know how to do it LOL.  Either way I will be waiting and watching for you. Thanks so much for what you do...you have no idea how much it means to us who love to read about Can & Sanam!!!


I was wondering where I could read your story titled "UNCERTAIN UNITY"? If you are writing on a different site I would really like to check it out. I absolutely love your writing...I have read your stories numerous times and, want to thank you so much for giving us readers so much joy!!!


I was wondering how I could find your story titled "Uncertain Unity" and what it was about. Your  3 stories/books on Can & Sanem are awesome...thank you so much for writing them...I am reading them for the 5th time now!!! I hope you are still writing and would consider writing a new one about Can & Sanem. Take care :)