
Im sorry for being away and not publishing any new stories or anything, The thing and im not gonna be shy about it is that I'm kinda depressed nowadays and something is getting me away from myself, I feel that I'm completely stranger who is trying to Acclimate with surroundings and a lot of things really changed about me and I wish to be a better person and at last i wanna thank you for all the support you guys showed u gave me a glimpse of hope and eagerness to continue writing but i guess a failure's success is being a normal human not a rising star...


Im sorry for being away and not publishing any new stories or anything, The thing and im not gonna be shy about it is that I'm kinda depressed nowadays and something is getting me away from myself, I feel that I'm completely stranger who is trying to Acclimate with surroundings and a lot of things really changed about me and I wish to be a better person and at last i wanna thank you for all the support you guys showed u gave me a glimpse of hope and eagerness to continue writing but i guess a failure's success is being a normal human not a rising star...


حابب بس اقول حاجة صغيرة لأي حد مهتم و هي ان اكتر القصص دي كتبتها في سن صغير و انا ممكن بكون جزء منها حقيقي و بيفكرني بأحداث انا مبحبهاش عشان كدا انا مش بقرأها تاني ف ممكن تلاقوا اخطاء لغوية أو تراكيب غلط دا بسبب اني يمكن مكونتش متمكن اوي من اللغة ف ياريت تتغاضوا عنها ♥️ و اسف ع التأخير و اني مش بكتب بس دا عشان انا مشغول جدا فامتحاناتي و يمكن مجاليش الفكرة المناسبة و شكرا جدا لاهتمامكم ♥️♥️


انا عارف اني يمكن مستوايا مش كويس جدا فالكتابة و مبكتبش كتير زي باقي الناس بس لو اي حد عجبه اي حاجة انا كتبتها ياريت يساعدني و يعملها شير عشان يمكن الدعم هو الحاجة الوحيدة اللي بتخلينا نستمر ف دا ، شكرا ❤️❤️


@marammohamed__ thank you for being supportive along my way and for all the help u offered, I'm so thankful ❤️