
I am rotating on the y-axis.


uh, so I know I have none of my fanfics finished, but I want to write another already. should I post Strange and Unusual 2, or A Series Of Unfortunate Events fanfic? (btw, I had an asoue phase when I was 8 or 9, and I created an OC named Destiny Baudelaire in gacha life. Obviously, I would change her name so it would be fitting for Klaus' twin sister)


heya! this probably isn’t interesting to you, but I play Mary Poppins in Mary Poppins the musical, and our opening night is this Friday, 3 days away! (May 6th) I’m super nervous but I want to thank you guys, because my storytelling really helped me as an actor. Anything can happen if you let it! -xoxo, eden 


school is so damn stressful. so I’m currently working on “Strange and Unusual: GREASER!” And “Strange and Unusual 2: BFF (Best Fake Friend)”. would you guys want a first chapter of SAU 2 or SAU GREASER? I’ll post a bit but not much to where it gives anything away.


Hey guys! Strange and Unusual is my first posting from a book I started in 6th grade. I have it all pre-written and I’ll try to post chapters weekly or every other day. I’m still in the outsiders fandom! I just wanted to post my story for a bit ago to see what kind of attention I could get. ⚠️Don’t worry, I’m working on a Strange and Unusual x The Outsiders ⚠️