Um... I know that maybe I'm late. I'll give you some good news as a reward. I have the FULL script of all Vol 6, now I just need to write it. The problem is that I have written it in Spanish by accident, but I'll try to be more efficient. See yall maybe later today, or even tomorrow.
If anyone received a notification from the fic, it's just me modifying ALL dates of the fic because they were wrong. The only one I didn't change was Chapter 1, because I will publish the redo tomorrow, maybe. I haven't written much thanks to a fever I had this morning, but I'm better now. I have only 848 words for now, but I'll lock in.
@401apartmentANHS or even better "let's make him overpowered and able to do superhuman intellectual/physical feats at childhood like defeating a bunch of grown-up men" and then "how to make him lose to OVERRATED Horikita and her class of fools by the power of growth,friendship and cheap tricks"
@ZekeYeager034 yeah... Kinu didn't see that until he wrote Ayanokouji's past. Prob he just said, "I need a subject number! Oh, what if I use the same number as his apartment! And Boom! Headcanon created
Fuck Horikita Suzune. I've been hiding all this time, but yes, I hate Bitchkita. Sorry to yall, but I've been dropping subtle foreshadowing of my hate. Like expelling Horikita in TMAHP or in the One shots book killing her. Que se joda ese bodrio (Fuck that shit in Spanish)