
Hey everyone. It’s been a minute huh? I’m gonna try to start writing again but I want to see what everyone wants updated first. So leave a comment! It can be anything that I’ve written and I’ll do my best to get it up for you all! Thank you all for still being here 


Hey guys so I need some help with something, I've been combing through everything I can find about tom riddle and I can't find what year or an approximation as to what year he was in when he asked slug horn about the horcrux's so if anyone can give me a possible year for it? That would be super great. Love you all 
          Until next time 


 Alright, thank you cx that helps a bunch 


@layla_insanity he first found the chamber in his 5th year which is when the stuff with Hagrid  and moaning Myrtle happened he was turned into his fist horcrux aka the diary in his 6th year it never specifics when he questions Slughorn about the horcrux but it would be either in his 5th or 6th year as by his 7th year he was Vlodemort