
I think I'm falling back where I was 2 years ago 


I want to own an electric guitar so bad, but it's very expensive  *cries with acoustic guitar*


@41-es_villamos szerintem én is gyűjtő leszek majd  meg egy elektromos gitár nagyon drága (erősítővel beleszàmolva) úgy, hogy amíg nem kapok a Lego Fender gitáromba gyönyörködök


@41-es_villamos I HAVE AN ELECTRIC ONE AND SOLD MY OLD ACOUSTIC most egy uj akusztikust szeretnek. en minel tobb gitarr szeretnek, olyan jol neznek ki. esku gyujto leszek. akusztikus es elektromos gitar gyujto lets go


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My dad said if I don't clean up the mess on my desk we won't have xmas and I just started and my dad came in and said "oh you didn't do anything I see then we won't have xmas" bitch I js started, leave me  alone. "We won't have xmas" my ass we won't have we will have. Anyways merry Christmas guys


I think my cat identifies as a parrot cuz why whenever I pick him up he sits on my shoulder like a parrot?


@Becky_hanstan ott ül a vállamon és nyávog eskü olyan, mint egy papagáj (soha életében nem találkozott eggyel)


AHHHH I hate the word "now" like tell me to do something now I won't do it ever and the second thing I hate the most is when someone takes away my earphones and expect me to do anything again I WON'T those earphones have melted into my ears I can't live without it I need my pink noise and skz cuz without it I am not able to live normally 


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Hungarian healthcare must feel slay rn cuz they madey dad suffer with his stupid ass sickness for ten months and also they gave him blood poisoning and all he needs is a fucking TEN minute surgery which he'll get on December 18th. + And his doc had the urge to ask him "for that long?" you made it bitch.