


okay i got a lot of followers right? one of y'all should know what i'm talking about, hopefully?
          there's this book that i've been thinking about a lot lately. it was kinda weird, and i read it years ago on this site, but i can't remember the name. the main character was a spider named Anima or something like that??? idk but i just need to make sure it wasn't a wonderful hallucination i had or something, because i don't think i ever finished it. like there was only a couple chapters left, and i never finished it. it's been keeping me up at night...


@42justaFAYZ42 I wish I could help


sometimes i feel like going back into the past and strangling myself before i comment something cringy on this site
          every once in awhile i'll get a notification and there'll just be this DUMB comment i made and i just... face palm
          it's just, like, Past Self? why did you do that...?


honestly, that's exactly what i do


@42justaFAYZ42 If I'm already in a bad mood and that happens I legit just delete the comment


(pt. 4)
             okay, that's about it. at least i've stopped crying. but golly gee, do i feel empty. 
             i guess writing down my thoughts really does help a little. 
             sorry y'all had to see that, if any of you did bother to read through any of this. have a good day, everyone! i hope you guys are doing well :)