To all of my followers, I want to say, I love you, all of you.. You are all awesome! BUT I also want to say this, if any of you are waiting for the new "My Black Alpha" you might be waiting for a while.. Becaauuusseee I'm writing a book with my cousin on a joined account. We've been planning this for quite some time so it will be WAYY better than anything I've written on here. If you guys want to follow us and read our story I'll post the link below. The prologue just went up and we are both so very excited for people to read our book, so it would mean a lot to me if you guys even just checked it out. I love you guys! And I hope you all love our book as much as we do! (And you don't have to worry about late updates, we've got a really good schedule set up so we shouldn't have any trouble with that)