this message may be offensive
just a little rant. lately life has been a little tough. i have been sick for the past week and my parents- let's just say they are not in a good condition as well. my dad has been an asshole and keeps hurting my mom. i have board exams and i feel so pressurized. i had a break down thinking what if i fail my exams i even though i would kms if my exams don't go well. it's been hard. i have noone to talk too. the only friend i had had blocked me on every social media platforms and dosen't talk to me. i can't do this anymore. i wish my life wasn't like this. i wish i was happier. i feel like atp killing myself is easier than being happy.

@4hyunie Its okay, Youre going to be okay. Just breathe and calm down. And remind yourself of all the times in the past that youve felt this scared. All the times youve felt this anxious and overwhelmed. All the times youve felt this pain. And remind yourself of how each time you MADE IT THROUGH. Life has thrown so much at you, and despite how difficult things have been, youve survived. Breathe and trust that you can survive this too. Trust this struggle is part of the process. And trust that as long as you dont give up and keep pushing forward, no matter how hopeless things seem. You will make it