Hey everyone the person i was dating came out as fully gay and obvisoily i support him but like what am i supposed to do i care about him but i kinda dont know what i should do rn
Hey everyone i did something i deeply regret and i want yall to make sure you know i care about you and you never have and never will deserve all the bad that comes your way all the thoughts in your head saying ‘i should bleed i deserve it’ you dont youre all amazing people and i promise you there is n ever a reason you should bleed i love you guys so so so much be safe
Omg so this is a rant too whoever decides to read this but i asked a guy on a date and ive liked him for around 2/1 year/s and he agreed and he’s been calling me beautiful and pretty and smart and kind and just like AHHHHHHKDFISNEJDIFJWBWH WHO GAVE HIM PREMISSION TO BE NICE TO ME I’LL HUNT YOU DOWN
Last night i was trying to go to bed and we joked about me explaining my crimes i said thatd take days and he said yeah most of them would be too adorable like who allowed you to be nice