"I fell in love with him like you fall asleep, slowly and then all at once."
Why? Why, must you always be in my dreams? Always invading my thoughts. Images of your goofball self pop into my mind, I can't help but smile. Seeing you stand there, the odd ball, the one that's too tall for his friends. I met you almost 4 years ago. Not once in those 4 years have you always disappointed me. Even through my hardest moments you still manage to make me laugh. We share the stupidest moments together. I've dated other guys, but never did I realize they were just distractions, you were the one I wanted to spend the rest of my days with. I just want to see myself in your oversized Cardinals hoodie. Your tall build leaned over me. Your chocolate brown eyes staring deep into my almost black eyes. Your dimple creeping up from the corner of your mouth. I want to hear your jokes, I want to laugh with you. I want to be a goofball with you. It's what we do best. I met you, and never in that moment did it occur to me that in 4 years I'd be so grateful for your presence. In that moment, when we are staring into each other's eyes I will admit, "I love you." I love him. I fell madly in love with this awkward goofball. This guy who can make my heart rate rise more than Dylan O'Brien. Love is a beautiful thing, thank you for letting me experience it. At first I thought, "Why do I love him?" The question ceased to be that, and then it became "How can I not love him?" If loving him is a crime then imprison me and put me on death row. Let me be known as the worst criminal.
"He didn't know every lyric of every song she listened to was about him."