
I know I have been away again for a while, but this time, I genuinely have a reason, a good one, too! 
          	Now, people know that I had gotten surgery on my wrists, so that's why I took that year long break to help my body recover and also for physical therapy. 
          	I am back now, but I also have been going to therapy (seeing a therapist), especially after my injuries as it was recommended for me. 
          	Turns out, I have anxiety, coupled with mild OCD, and very mild depression. 
          	I have been "taking" this "course" on how to sort of overcome my OCD, which was an uninterrupted three-six week session. While, it has been difficult and very annoying, I am not completely "free" from OCD, but I have gotten much better. 
          	I will continue writing (especially because the "Teacher's Pet" series is literally my favorite so far, but that is where I have been. Hopefully, if all continues to go well, I will resume updating and publishing the chapters I have completed and then the rest of the book. 
          	Thank you all so much for the love, appreciation, and support! 
          	Be on the lookout (hopefully) within in the upcoming 2-3 weeks as I should be able to publish to the "Sophomore Trips" book. 
          	Also, I was asked about Peter and Harley coming up in the books; I do have plans for them, but looking back now, I am rethinking some things. I have plans as to when they might show up, but I also do not know, so if you have preferences/suggestions, then please let me know as I will most definitely take that into consideration. Whether you want Tony to meet them or to continue with them being his kids. 
          	524fangirl6741! <3


I have no preferences tbh, i always end up enjoying what u create! I'm glad to hear ur doing better, i wish all the best as u continue to manage all of these things ur juggling. You are amazing ☺️


I know I have been away again for a while, but this time, I genuinely have a reason, a good one, too! 
          Now, people know that I had gotten surgery on my wrists, so that's why I took that year long break to help my body recover and also for physical therapy. 
          I am back now, but I also have been going to therapy (seeing a therapist), especially after my injuries as it was recommended for me. 
          Turns out, I have anxiety, coupled with mild OCD, and very mild depression. 
          I have been "taking" this "course" on how to sort of overcome my OCD, which was an uninterrupted three-six week session. While, it has been difficult and very annoying, I am not completely "free" from OCD, but I have gotten much better. 
          I will continue writing (especially because the "Teacher's Pet" series is literally my favorite so far, but that is where I have been. Hopefully, if all continues to go well, I will resume updating and publishing the chapters I have completed and then the rest of the book. 
          Thank you all so much for the love, appreciation, and support! 
          Be on the lookout (hopefully) within in the upcoming 2-3 weeks as I should be able to publish to the "Sophomore Trips" book. 
          Also, I was asked about Peter and Harley coming up in the books; I do have plans for them, but looking back now, I am rethinking some things. I have plans as to when they might show up, but I also do not know, so if you have preferences/suggestions, then please let me know as I will most definitely take that into consideration. Whether you want Tony to meet them or to continue with them being his kids. 
          524fangirl6741! <3


I have no preferences tbh, i always end up enjoying what u create! I'm glad to hear ur doing better, i wish all the best as u continue to manage all of these things ur juggling. You are amazing ☺️


Hey, I have am idea for your stony oneshots book.
          Could you maybe write one where steve hat a Toxic relationship with a guy before Tony, Tony finds out about that and Shows him what Real love is.


@ DefneMecilioglu I think Sharon would  be good, let's Do 3 years and I don't really know how Tony should come into the play, but I think he silently observes the realtionship  realizes Sharon is Toxic  for Steve and is getting  him out of it and Shows him true love.
            And dont worry that you responded this late its fine. 


@DefneMecilioglu I most certainly will! That sounds excellent! 
            Is there a specific person you want Steve to be in a toxic relationship with? (Sharon/Nat/Bucky?) I will say this, I am really not good at writing Stucky as I do not ship them, but if you want them to be in a relationship, I can most certainly try. 
            Also, how long do you want their relationship to be? 2 years? 3? 4? 
            And how does Tony come into play? Does he intervene? Stand up for Steve? Convince Steve that the person he's in relations with at the moment is toxic? 
            Sorry for the late response! I hope you get this. 
            524fangirl6741! <3


Can you please make more oneshot where loki hurts tony more badly or severely


@PurviTani Ooh, that sounds interesting. How so? 
            Do you want in the oneshots book for Frostiron or in the Stony/Winteriron books where Steve and/or Bucky, even the team, can help assist and "capture" Loki? 
            Thank you, for the request! 
            524fangirl6741! <3


I have recently gotten surgery on my wrist because I have been having many problems with it and they could only do so much until they had to open me up and check what was wrong with me. 
          Thank you to everyone that messaged me to see if I was alright or if I was still around/alive. I am very grateful for you people and hope you have a blessed holiday season. 
          To all the people that messaged and kept saying things like “update,” “when are you going to update again,” “make an update,” and anything else along those lines (you know who you are),  thank you so much for making me feel even worse about not being able to update while I was resting and worrying about my school work. 
          I am getting a new computer because my mom accidentally spilled water on my keyboard so now nothing is working and then I should be back to updating; it will still be slow because my wrist is still healing, so I am sorry I’m advance, but I don’t want to make it worse by overworking myself just yet. 
          I hope everyone understands and is patient with me for now, and I know I still have to update my “Sophomore Trips” book, but for now, I will be catching up on homework and then going back to updating my books. 
          Thank you again to the individuals that were worried and asked about me, I hope you enjoy your break - if still in school - or just the holiday season. 


@524fangirl6741 Hey there! Thank you for all you do. Your work is amazing but don't stress about updating or all that ☺️ Get as much as rest as you want, you deserve it, especially after all that hard work. Best of luck 


Do you still plane on continuing your "This was not supposed to happen" story? Genuinely asking since i have been enjoying reading your other works 


@juliannehailey Ooh, so sorry for the year long response, a lot has happened. 
            I actually do plan on continuing that one, but looking back on it, I also want to revise it and edit the book to make it better and easier to read. 
            I am in the midst of writing a series for Stony, so I am focusing on that, but that was going to be my next project, alongside "Always With Me," but considering you wish to see more of that, then I know which one to focus on first :) 
            Thank you so much for the love and support! Have a great day/night/morning/etc. 
            524fangirl6741! <3


This is so embarrassing - I drove down to Florida the night of May 17th to visit my family and go to Disney; I told myself to write and update every day, but I was so busy catching up with my family and going to Disney every day that I did not have enough time. We went to each park every day and we came back on the 30th. 
          I know what you're thinking - "you came back, and we have barely gotten any updates, so what the hell?" - and I am so tremendously sorry about that. 
          I have been busy getting acquainted again, plus my friends came back from college and I have been with them the whole week I got back. 
          All of my updates were created a month before this and me posting them now is because I just revised some things, edited, and worked out all of the tweaks... hopefully. 
          Again, this is absolutely humiliating, but luckily, all of the chapters for "Teacher's Pet" are pre-made. The only thing I am doing right now are revisions to them and changing some things around. 
          I am also updating the relationship between Bucky and Steve because I was watching Supernatural and forgot how realistic they made Sam and Dean like actual brothers, so I am rewriting their actions, dialogue, and almost everything about them, but hopefully you guys will be getting more updates from me on the book. 
          I do not want to make any promises because we all know how good I am at living up to those, but I really hope I can make up for the lost time with this book. 
          I also want to catch up on my oneshot books and I am such a terrible person too because I have so many requests that I really need to get done but I haven't yet. 
          I am so unbelievably sorry for how terrible I am at just writing and keeping up with my promises and I hope to do better. 
          I hope everyone understands my side and thank you for being so understanding of everything. 


Hey guys! Sorry that I've been so inactive. I want to explain myself. 
          I was originally working on requests during my Spring Break, to get caught up with everything, but then my friend came back from college, I reconnected with an old friend, and I deleted the app because I wanted to take a break and enjoy my week vacation from school with them - that was a week ago. 
          Truthfully, I did not expect to come back a week late, but I had my English midterm after Spring Break, and I had to revise my first two essays for the class. Luckily, I finished those and I have no other homework to do this weekend. 
          The reason why I came back a week late was because I really needed to focus on my schoolwork and not get distracted with Wattpad. 
          I just redownloaded the app and I had close to 1000 new notifications! Thank you guys so much for the love on my books and so far, so many people seem to love the Ironstrange book, so thank you for the support on it! I was thinking of starting it up again because so many people love it but first I must finish the requests. 
          Thank you so much everyone for the support and the understanding; I have explained myself to two people who requested things first and plan on getting that out of the way, and thank you for the welcome back! 
          I really hope nobody is mad at me and seriously, guys, almost at 100 followers already! For that, I might just post my new Stony book early if we reach it. 
          Yes, I have been keeping up with writing and working on three new books and I asked a couple other people about which one and they want Stony, so if we reach 100, I might just have to post it as a thank you. 
          Thank you again, and I hope you guys understand about my sudden disappearance, but I am going to be back, especially if we reach 100 followers, then I'll have to be back to post the book. 
          I truly do love you all and hope you guys have a wonderful rest of the week! 


it’s okie and ilysm along with ur writing!! i can’t wait for ur new stony book! :)


I definitely should explain why I have been so distant from Wattpad recently. 
          To be honest, I forgot about this app because I was rewatching Supernatural and Marvel movies and Grey's Anatomy, so, that's my bad. 
          Another thing, I had to take time off because of the stress. 
          I also had work and I had inventory at my work, so I had to wake up at 2:30 in the morning to start my job at 3:30 for inventory; I'm not kidding, it took this whole week for me to get my sleep schedule back on track, but I'm back. 
          Lastly, as writer's and creators know, I have most definitely gotten hate for what I write. It's mainly on the fact that I ship Bucky/Tony. Personally, I love haters because if I have haters, that just means that I'm doing something right, so for the longest time I just ignored them. Then, they started saying other things about gay people, and while I'm straight, I most definitely do not stand for that kind of talk. I have friends who are bi and gay, and I despise it when people hate on them because of their interest in others. They also started getting too personal, even though these people don't know me at all, and they started saying things about my family which is completely uncalled for; I absolutely love my family, I will do anything to make sure people respect them, so I will not stand for people hating on my family. I don't care about the death threats and the people saying they wish I was dead all because I ship Tony and Bucky, but they started getting too close to home when they mentioned my family. 
          The last one was the main reason as to why I took a much longer break than I had originally intended. 
          I also got some love from other people, especially on the chapters that I have written, and it made me remember why I write on this platform. So, for anyone who commented on loving my post or finding it funny or complimented me, thank you dearly! 
          I am back to writing! 


@524fangirl6741 hi! Please don't mind them and continue on writing. I totally love all of the things you wrote especially the WinterIron one


Imma be real with y'all, I had like two ideas for my books but rn, I'm just not feelin' it so I'm just gonna delete the ones that I don't feel any connection to or urge to write about. 
          Lemme know if y'all want me to not delete any of them! 
          Anyways, have a good day! 


Imma be real with y'all. 
          I just had a much better idea for Peter's baby life so I'm going to change it at the moment which means I'm deleting chapters 38 & 39 so chapter 37 can get fixed then I will carry on from there. 
          I'm sorry that I'm changing it but I have an idea for it which will really make Peter's character in the book be more like his MCU and hopefully comic book character so sorry if it bothers you but oh well.