
I can't with the new OBX season! It's so good so far, and I still have the other half coming out in November!


Hello love's, I know I keep apologizing, but I am sorry for not updating. A lot has happened, and I truly mean a lot. With my personal health, mental health, and well other things. I hope you all understand. Remember, you are so loved, and you are needed. You guys are so important and cared for. I know sometimes you might feel alone, but there will always be someone who loves you. That someone includes me. Remember, I love you all, and you are all beautiful <33333


So...yesterday I binge watched obx, and all I'm gonna say is that I was not disappointed. The writers/directors know what they're doing 


@Obxobessed ok! Also, thank you sm for the follow<3


@56a3dft I will message you so we can talk about it together 