
hi guys!
          	wow i have not typed anything here in a very long time
          	hope u guys are all well and thriving 
          	happy (late) new years to u all
          	Hoping that this year will be one of the best
          	I'm going to be real with you guys and that is that I have not been able to write anything since writing "someone to you" which if you have not read, go check that out :)
          	anyways, I've been on writer's block for the longest time until last September when i started part of a chapter of a new story, but now I've developed some chapter ideas for some things to write 
          	So I'm hoping I'll be able to bring you guys something this year
          	Like usual, plz plz plz comment here and let me know how you guys are, I would love to chat :)


hi guys!
          wow i have not typed anything here in a very long time
          hope u guys are all well and thriving 
          happy (late) new years to u all
          Hoping that this year will be one of the best
          I'm going to be real with you guys and that is that I have not been able to write anything since writing "someone to you" which if you have not read, go check that out :)
          anyways, I've been on writer's block for the longest time until last September when i started part of a chapter of a new story, but now I've developed some chapter ideas for some things to write 
          So I'm hoping I'll be able to bring you guys something this year
          Like usual, plz plz plz comment here and let me know how you guys are, I would love to chat :)


Hello my lovelies 
          I have missed u all and ig returned from whatever break I was on.
          If u guys did not check out the live 5sos did earlier, no fear, I come bearing a link for u
          Ik I haven’t uploaded anything all summer and I do have a reason.
          With summer school, getting all kinds of work shifts, and going out whenever I did, I never got the time to write
          And at the same time…the motive for writing fell off
          Idk if I will b writing again, and if I do I have no clue when it will come
          But if I do and I rlly like what I’m writing I will give u the update 
          As always, let me know how y’all r and we shall talk in the comments section :) 


Just wanna say on here
          …stream memories by Conan Gray
          U won’t regret it 
          Bc that song will legit make u feel things 


@Dawg1515 omg yesss
            That bridge I just


@111happyreader111 stopppp
            I love that 
            Literally after exams r over I’m gonna get everyone addicted to this song w me lmao 


@5SOSQuarantea  omg fr it's so good! My brother doesnt like any music I play except olivia rodrigo but when I played this he goes " I think this is my favorite song that you've shown me"
            Five minutes later he's like " I WISH THAT YOU SAY IN MY MEMORIEEESSSSSSS"


this message may be offensive
Ok I legit wanted to make a whole ass update post for y’all but apparently I “reached the maximum limit”
          Tf Wattpad
          Hello my beautiful angels
          Wanted to come on and say my lovely hello to yall.
          Hoping life is good and seasonal depresso can leave our arses alone bc winter sucks ass 
          In terms of how life’s been, here’s the rundown:
          Campus life was short but it was sweet. Loved meeting up w my friend bc it legit made my days there. The last week there felt so lovely bc I had such genuine fun. Currently have 3/5 exams left in this schedule so I’m just tryna push thru
          In terms of this account…
          Y’all somehow got Ghost Of You to 3 mF K
          I’m astonished how y’all did that
          So, to those who have read it from the beginning in 2020 to those who have chosen to read it now in 2022, I thank you all. It means the world as it’s one of my full stories I’ve written so far. 
          So ty to u all ❤️❤️
          In terms of the yt account…
          That is now at 600+ 
          Y’all r crazy
          In terms of coming back to these creative spaces,
          Im gonna see what kind of flow I can get and go from there. That’s all I can rlly say to that loll
          Like always, leave ur replies and let’s have a chat :) 


@Dawg1515 ty hun ur the sweetest! Coming on here feels like a second life for me so I love this second life as well
            I’m glad u r at a place where you’ve made it, couldn’t have asked for anything better for u.
            You’re a strong one and I already know it 
            And this vacay will come closer than u know it 


@Dawg1515 hiiiiii
            Ty for the luck, thankfully finished tho so very happy about that 
            In terms of the social aspect, it’s more of a idea of just coming back to somewhere that I can escape to
            And although my friends r amazing, this is the place for me to come to on my own which I adore (along w talking to u guys thru here) 
            I’m very glad the weather is turning up for u bc summer is just around the corner and it’s about time the weather turns around bc we’ve been waiting
            And keep on keeping on bc ik u got it in u to get thru the last bit of school
            Ur in the home stretch at this point so put all kinds of effort in and summer vacation will come before u know it :) 


Hi guys
          It’s been a hot min
          How’ve y’all been?
          How r u guys liking Complete Mess?
          Life updates from me…nothin much really 
          Just school, work, come home, and ig repeat that weekly 
          Started in person classes on Wednesday…lowkey loved it tho and can’t wait for more
          Work is the same nothin much there 
          In other news…the first story I wrote on here (aka Broken Home) has now reached the 2K milestone
          Tysm y’all for reading it
          It’s the book I’ve written the most chapters…and also the one I’d like to edit the most bc ik it can b so much better (but it is what it is)
          I think ghost of you is gonna reach the 3k mark soon but who knows when that’ll happen loll
          Anywho, like always, let’s chat in the replies and let’s see what’s been up w y’all  


@Dawg1515 omg so srry for the late reply!
            Binging their interview videos is a great killer got time…we should recommend others to do it loll 
            Hoping everything for u is going well!! Just know we got a couple months left over and we will b in that summer vacation in no time :)


@Dawg1515 yesss such a great time to be one!
            Seeing them do the press videos bring major serotonin and they’re coming back at the best time possible so very happy about that 
            The schedule to school is kinda the same, just w a couple days of commuting but I’ll take it for a nice variety 
            Ty for the writing ❤️
            And very glad ur doin well! And it’s crazy to think the school year will b winding down soon and we’d always look forward to it before hand but now that it’s soon, pretty nice to look forward to! 


@onedirection5hlnzl yesss!!! Such a bop!
            And Tyy ❤️


Hey y’all!!
          Thought I’d come on and say hiiii
          First off, it’s one of our fav bassist bdays so happy bday sir calum hood.
          Funny enough I was actually looking thru my story broken home (which if u haven’t checked it out, it’ll b in my list of books published) 
          And I was looking back at how I built the relationships w the three books I put out (so sorry English love affair) 
          But, lookin thru all that.
          Just some updates:
          Second sem started and I’ve been trying my hardest to stay ahead and make notes for later chapters so I can leave out the fear of fallin behind 
          I have gotten used to the new schedule nicely so that’s been kinda nice. 
          Work…it’s just work. Nothing much to that.
          Now…writing. During the break I was heavily updating (as you all saw) and yes, I said there r two more chapters….I have no clue when those will b out. 
          Making sure they can b the best chapters that they can b 
          So time will tell when it’ll happen
          But the main parts of the story had been published which I’m very proud about 
          So, like always, update me on y’all’s life. Love chatting and hope life is great for all y’all too!


@Dawg1515 YouTube is great especially when getting ideas for new edits come
            So I may or may not b editing again 
            However, I’ll just take my time w it and not stress on it as if I need to upload
            But maybe by April-may…there could b some new content/edits on the channel
            Summer is basically one of my fav times. It’s the time we get a break. It’s the time to enjoy the nice weather w friends and family, and it’s the time to just get out of the house 
            Ahhh soo happy for u that she’s getting better! ❤️❤️


@Dawg1515 tyyy for the kudos
            And funny thing, I’ve had so many ppl tell me to take a break which is lowkey funny 
            But the only way I can take a break is YouTube so there’s that lmao 
            Ty for that and I don’t think I’ll b writing for a while unless it has to do with ‘someone to you’ which I just need those 2 chaps to b done. Probs won’t b writing again till the summer so I won’t mind that 
            I’m glad ur second sem is manageable bc we all need those kinds of schedules in life. I sending all my prayers to u in hopes that things will get better for them!! And taking things day-by-day is the best first step u can take!! ❤️❤️


          SOMEONE TO YOU IS AT 400 READS?!
          Whoever has been reading...tysfm...u don't even know.
          My main goal was to keep posting the chapters so you guys can have a story, but to see ppl actually reading it...that means a lot
          ly u all ❤️