
Hey guys, just wanted to apologize about not updating... I have been really busy... I am working on a Magcon, ad an o2l fanfic.... So ya, idk when yet will be up, but any o2l fanfics you want me to read just let me know, send me a message!!!


Hey guys, just wanted to apologize about not updating... I have been really busy... I am working on a Magcon, ad an o2l fanfic.... So ya, idk when yet will be up, but any o2l fanfics you want me to read just let me know, send me a message!!!


Me:  Hi! *waves* Thanks for 
          Louis: being fabuLOUIS and fanning.
          Harry: Boobear, it's extraordinHARRY!
          Liam: No it's BrilLIAM
          Niall: NO it's PhenomiNIALL
          Zayn: Lads, we all noe it's AmaZAYN!
          Me: Anyways, feel free to pm or chat to me
          Louis: Or me
          Liam: or me
          Zayn: or me
          Niall: or me
          Harry: or me!
          Me: Whenever! Guys seriously cut it out!! Anyways, thanks for fanning :D x 


          Thank you for the fan. Hooray for fanning! :D 
          Your background made me hungry. 
          If you ever wanted to read another fanfic, I'd be honoured if you read mine. :)
          You are amazing. Judging by your bio, we have a lot in common. Feel free to message me sometime. ^_^
          Lol, I ran out of smiley faces. ^^^ Hahaha. Anyways, thank you for the fan, (I fanned back! Yay!) and I hope you have an amazing day. 
          :D xx