
Just so everyone knows I will be editing my book Blind and taking out a lot of unnecessary text.  So if it starts to look like it is in shambles, well that's because it is. But it will be fixed sooner or later. Xoxo


Alright I need to be honest with you guys. I obviously haven't updated in a really long time and I am sorry about that but I have been going through a lot. As the year is coming to a close I have taken a step back and thought of everything that has happened to me this year. I realized that I am not happy at all and I have honestly felt so empty lately. I am undergoing some emotional and physical changes right now and hopefully I will be better soon. Again I am so sorry for never updating anymore and I am so thankful to those of you who have stuck with me. My first story has been up for a year and it is still not done...I am planing on finishing that really soon. But for the time being please be patient with me.
          XOXO Mel


@MELANIEand5SOS WOW I just saw this...that is how long I have been gone again. Thank you so much. You are the sweetest!


@5_cupcakes_ I know how it feels to be empty. And trust me it is not something you want anyone els to go through... so if you need to talk about something ANYTHING please don't hesitate to text me. Us Melanie's have to stick together. And I'm up for the challenge 


@5_cupcakes_ aww okay. *hugs* ^-^