
I’m going to take advantage of this glitch by asking, do you guys know any really good bottom Louis fics or 5SOS ot5 fics, cause I feel like I’ve read them all.


I am a huge one direction fan but I never met that yet. I really want to meet them. I am so sad that I just found out the Louis Tomlinson's mother pass away on December 7, 2016. Four days after Louis's mother died was my younger brother's birthday. Seven days after Louis's mother died was my dad's birthday.  Ttwenty-three days after Louis's mother died was my younger sister's birthday.


قد تكون الرسالة مسيئة
Go block,she was commenting on @sluttylena 's celebrity rant book,which is great btw,go read it, but this no life irrelevant waste of skin 10 year old decided that she wants to tell people that she wants them to be raped,and she said Muslim are terrorist. So go block the stupid bitch.And don't forget happy holidays....>>>This is the user name of that bitch,remember GO BLOCK HER ASS,AND REPORTED HER,A LOT.. @TayianGomesMajorPvs 


I am going to write a Hemlinson fic, it's going to be called the Breadstick and the Hedgehog  


@Malum_Larry_Trash1 *shakes head* why is hemlinson even a ship like nO


@Malum_Larry_Trash1 jk, I'm too lazy,somebody write it for me?