
Hi Author, I  just read the book my little love can you please update? it’s a great book, I’m kinda disappointed that Damien never talked about the cheating in the story and feels regret. I’am also disappointed that he’s not protecting Eve and Lily. And trying to be in Lily’d life,When you write the next chapter can you please write a Karma for Damien and his mistress and the other women’s he’s been with? Can you write a lot of Damien’s POV, plot twist I have a feeling that maybe Damien’s mistress or the other women’s he’s been with is the one’s who’d  try to poisoned Lily / kidnapped her or maybe it’s the mistress husband or the other women’s husband because they slept with Damien and maybe the Husbands wants to know what it feels like to take the love of their life away. 


When will you be updating 


@HaileyRandol really soon. As soon as the next chapter's ready. I'm working on it right now, so hopefully today, or at the most, tomorrow.


When will you be updating 


@HaileyRandol The next chapter's almost ready!