
داستان اول آپ شد ^___^ 


hi! we are hosting a microtale contest. its about writing  tale under 30 words, yes you read it right, 30 words.it can be emotional, romantic, erotic, funny, horror, fantasy, anything but just in 30 words. here's the link for further details, rules and exemplary microtales : 
          pls participate if interested and share about it, someone might be interested in taking part, and as they say more the merrier. you can be a reader and comment about what you feel about the participant's microtales.
          its an invitation for you and anybody who wants to participate in this contest and not me promoting my book. thank you


سلام !! 
          اينجا قراره داستان هاي ترجمه شده از 5sos قرار بدم .
          همه داستان ها آماده هستن :) 
          لطفا به همه اين پيج معرفي كنيد 
          ممنون xx