
I know I'm late in saying this but HAPPY NEW YEARS GUYS WE MADE IT TO 2016 lol. Be safe and watch out for crazy people.


@5sosMusica101 thanks so much girly .. i will do my best


@gruxge-clifford Good luck girly my Mom told me the auditions are starting this month plus she's making my brother audition which sucks but anyway don't me intimidated be confident believe in your self you know you got this see ya there girly .


@5sosMusica101 HAPPY NEW YEARS (late haha)


I know I'm late in saying this but HAPPY NEW YEARS GUYS WE MADE IT TO 2016 lol. Be safe and watch out for crazy people.


@5sosMusica101 thanks so much girly .. i will do my best


@gruxge-clifford Good luck girly my Mom told me the auditions are starting this month plus she's making my brother audition which sucks but anyway don't me intimidated be confident believe in your self you know you got this see ya there girly .


@5sosMusica101 HAPPY NEW YEARS (late haha)




@gruxge-clifford OMF I'm dying cuz Adele's song Hello is killing me I can't sing it without crying her voice is so friggin amazing and she's so pretty


@gruxge-clifford i have those lacy bras too but i chose the wrong day to be lazy and pick up the first one i saw ://


haha are you okay? bc you haven't replied to my messages and girl i know you read them :) lol jk how you been girly?? long time, no speak


@gruxge-clifford thnx aniahh. its okay if you didnt come. you know your an amazing girl and it seems hard dealing with that boy but hey, you dont need to feel so insecure or doubt yourself in anyway bc gurl you iz per- fect. your funny, sweet, smart, and crazy in the best ways possible so if you feel like you arent, read this and know that you truly are amazing. good luck with this boy- whatever his name may be.
            thats nice that you forgave him. im glad you got to make a new start with him after all these years kinda sucks to not have him for those early years but hey he's there now. meanwhile me and my parents are still back where we started- arguing, yelling, fighting, and not really seeing eye to eye but thats not important. i bet your new little brother is cute and adorable. you two seem a lot alike. im proud of youu aniah. haha.
            we are such 'losers but we're alright with that.' lol #5sosfam  #soundsgoodfeelsgood - not too late to buy the album on itunes lol : to everyone who may come across these messages.)


@gruxge-clifford thx girly and also I tried going to the vocal concert and my mom said no and was being difficult . I know you'll get into DA because your amazing and don't be intimidated by other people you have a talent that shines within you plus right now I'm battling my insecurities with that guy who friend zoned me but I'm starting to find out that he wants to get to know me and he will like me despite my crazy ways he's so nice and kind and sweet  he looks so fine with and without his glasses and I love it when we hug.... We'll save that for later. Also right now I'm here in Atlanta Georgia with
            My biological father and I forgave him for everything and decided to start over with him and to let go also I have another little brother who constantly hugs me I think he's sorta like me but way hyper anyway be confident have courage and punch those haters and make them eat a sandwich and choke on it lol and guess what "the blood in my veins is made up of mistakes let's forget who we are and dive into the dark"


@gruxge-clifford anytimee girly, see you there. and .. TRUEEEEE ASF YESS。