Hey guys! I don't know if you all will see this, but I am updating one of my stories today! I'm home sick from school and softball so I don't have anything to do so it's a perfect time to write.
Once again, I apologize for not updating in over a year. I joined two years ago and reading my stories I realized how basic a plot they all are, but you guys seem to like them. Your comments really do help me know what to write and you all still support me even though I haven't been here, so thank you very much. My mind is always open to new ideas which is a problem because I always want to start new stories and ditch the old but I promise I will at least finish one of my stories. I like Do It All Again a lot because the plot is different from most stories and I have a lot to work off of so I will be updating that today (:
If you guys ever want to talk or anything I'm always here! Much love