
this message may be offensive
hello, been busy these past few days (fuck adulthood) anw 5 chaps tom hehe bawi ako (ril)


@5thfairchild yay ty! :D no pressure po


@5thfairchild ichuki take your time (:


i miss u po miss q din grantham help??


@fareia omg u replied ! aaa <3_<3 
            ohh that's whyy :') if that works out well for you po then it's alright with us hehehe you can always be at your own pace and we would be here :)) 
            the book was so uniquely different and ! WELL WRITTEN ! that's why i'm captivated heuehue i love reading about friendships so key factor din to why i'm so hooked hehe you deserve all the love ♡
            *hugs with consent*
            SEE YOU SOONNN OMG


@fareia miss u too !!!! patapos na po ang book hehe mej na overwhelm po kasi ako noon sa system na mag u-update (this is a me problem!) and i found out mas productive po for me kung tatapusin ko muna lahat before i-pub ✿ this book iz so experimental di ko ineexpect na may mag babasa huhuhu so until now, super grateful ako na there is at least a few people who remember them ♡ so thank u so much !! i feel so loved 
            nyehe anw so sorry for the v long reply, got emotional lang kasi na excite ako sa message na ito huhuhu *watery eyes* *hugs with consent* 
            see you  soon !! 


happie 2025 (: I MISS and scene! and strange enough, i still remember them due to this album:


that’s good! do it in your own way. i‘d be sad if they wont turn out the way you wanted. thank you for staying true to your characters. no pressure, ha!


@rideryker thank you !! i had to unpublish the book to give myself a little more time to polish their stories. i feel like those kids deserve a spectacular plotline and i was so scared a few months back that i won't be able to give them justice. i feel so grateful and loved by you for reading this v random book ! thank you thank you thank you. please take care of yourself! i pray that you live loudly


theyre my typa coming of age stories and this one song in that album: tell me, will we survive ): ?! they’re deeply engraved in my heart


hope adulthood treats u well <3 missing you dearly on all spaces (mostly tg) i hope when summer comes u will be able to meet us again [: please be kind to yourself, even if life isn't. do well, oki ? we’ll always be waiting for u here <3