_ATTENTION_ YOU HAVE BEEN CHOOSEN TO BE SHOWERED WITH LOVE ENJOOOYYY !!!! ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨❤✨✨❤❤❤❤✨✨❤✨✨✨❤✨❤❤❤❤✨✨❤✨✨❤✨✨❤✨✨✨❤✨❤✨✨❤✨✨❤✨✨❤✨✨❤✨✨✨❤✨❤❤✨❤✨✨❤✨✨❤✨✨❤✨✨✨❤✨❤✨✨❤✨✨❤✨✨❤✨✨✨❤❤❤✨✨❤✨✨❤❤✨❤❤❤❤✨✨✨✨❤✨✨✨❤❤❤✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨❤✨✨✨❤✨✨❤❤❤❤✨✨❤✨✨✨❤❤✨✨✨❤✨✨❤✨✨❤✨✨❤✨✨✨❤❤✨✨✨❤✨✨❤✨✨❤✨✨❤✨✨✨❤✨❤❤❤✨✨✨❤✨✨❤✨✨❤✨✨✨❤✨✨❤✨✨✨✨❤✨✨❤✨✨❤✨✨✨❤✨✨❤✨✨✨✨❤❤❤❤✨✨❤❤❤❤❤✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ Now, post this on everyone's wall who you think deserves all the love in the world ! 1back = you're loved 3back = you're popular 5back = your one of the most lovable ppl out there 9back = Wow am jealous Don't break this chain unless you want to break someone hart.
@ Katsu_Namour je suis en train d'écrire le prochain chapitre ^^ j'ai pris beaucoup de retard à cause des cours mais ça arrive ! (plus j'ai eu un petit syndrome de la page blanche)